Editing device information without closing the Lockout Procedure

Editing device information without closing the Lockout Procedure

Similar questions:  How to quickly switch to device details to correct errors without closing the Procedure that is being built? Is there a quick link to access device details when creating the Lockout Procedure, without having to switch to Isolating Devices tab?

A link to device details opens them in the separate window, without closing the Procedure that is being worked on. This allows to avoid switching to the Isolating Devices list and having to look up the Lockout Procedure once editing is finished. User has to have the right to
 within his assigned role in order to be able to edit Isolation Device details.

  1. In  module while creating or editing a Lockout Procedure often there’s a need to edit some Isolating Device details, such as Position, need of Padlock for lockout, device description, etc. In case of absence of the critical information, such as Position, platform will show a reminder under the device Identifier in the Procedure

  1. To quickly switch to the Isolation Device details window, without closing the current Lockout Procedure (because it will be necessary to come back to it and continue building it) click on device Identifier in the top of the step information

  1. This opens the Device details page, where information may be edited and changes published, which will affect existing procedures that this device is implied at. Platform will show notification that changes are not saved until confirmed by the user to be published.

  1. In case there are already some procedures in the status more advanced than the first step of the Workflow, the window will open asking to indicate whether affected procedures have to be returned to the first Status of the Workflow or remain in their current Status. User should make decision depending on the character of changes made and provide justification of changes if procedures are returning to the New category status.

  1. As you publish changes, they’re applied to the current procedure too that is being worked on, and become visible as the page is refreshed.

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