Customizing the list of Procedures

Customizing the list of Procedures

Customizing the list of Procedures

Similar questions:  How to set the number of procedures displayed per page? How to add columns with parameters in the list of procedures?

  1.          Go to  module from the home page or from the metro button menu. This opens the list of Procedures for the unit (or units) you’re a member of.

  1.      Columns of the list may be moved by grabbing them in the “dotted” area (except for the ID column).       
  2.          Columns describing parameters of the Procedure may be added or removed by clicking on 


  1.     Columns that may be added to the list might display the information (if applicable): procedure number, type, element description, status, approval date, approver, element name, element type, expiration date and validators.

Please note that columns settings remain even after you sign out and sign in again. Selecting columns with information that you need to see and ranging it accordingly to your needs allows to form a list that is convenient for needs of certain user. This does not influence the view of the list for other users.

  1.          Each column may be ranged by pressing on  in the header of the column: text values are ranged in alphabetic order, number values in the arithmetic progression or by date. Each next click reverses the order. To go back to the initial sequence of Procedures in the list click on 

  1.      Number of Procedures displayed per page is selected on the bottom ruler.


For customizing the list of Procedures it may be also necessary to use the filter tool, that is described in the article “Finding and printing the Procedure”


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