Creating multiple isolating devices with same identifier

Creating multiple isolating devices with same identifier

Similar questions:  How to create 2 devices with same identifier number? What to do if 2 devices in different departments have exactly the same tag number (identifier)?

Creating multiple devices with same identifier is possible if they belong to different organizational structure units and none of those units is a parent to another.

When in   module creating an isolating device is possible within   tab using   or using   button within procedure step itself.

In the window that opens, select an organizational unit that a new device belongs to from the drop down list:

This unit has to be a different one from units where device with such identifier number already exists, and this unit is not supposed to be a child (sub-unit) of the one having a device with the same number. It it not possible to create 2 devices with the same identifier in case they exist within the same organizational unit.

In case a device with same identifier exists within unit selected or within it’s parent unit – a notice will be displayed not allowing to create the device with such number.

Within isolating devices list it will be possible to differentiate these devices looking at their “Unit” column even if they’re having the same Identifier.

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