Similar questions:How to change status names and transitions in the event workflow?
At least one Event workflow has to be a
default workflow – that means that when Event is declared, processing will go
by default workflow, unless another one is selected after event has been
declared before the first Status transition is performed. As the first status
transition was performed – Workflow selection for this Event is no longer
Go to and in the Settings
menu select Workflows: this opens the list of existing workflows. Star signmeans that this
workflow is currently a default one for Events (same for CAPA and Lockout)
To create a new workflow, press on select “Event” in the window that opens and type
the name of the new workflow you’re creating; after that confirm by pressing
Find this new workflow that you just created in the
list of Workflows and open it by clicking on the name in the list
Workflow Statuses and Transitions within
newly created flow are fully editable. This is necessary to create a workflow
that corresponds with the one normally used in your company for event
reporting, investigation and developing corrective measures.
All the Statuses except for
the first step and last step can be grabbed in the dotted area near (left
corner of the bar) and pulled up and down to put them in the position within
workflow they need to be, according to your company’s procedure
Open steps of the workflow one
by one by clicking on near the Status name
and fill up each steps details in it
-Changing the name of the
Status if necessary
-Setting up time remaining for
completion of this step starting from the day the event was declared + setting
up the alert in case step is not yet completed by that moment
-Choose the color of the bar
with this Status name
-Set up Transitions from this
step to other statuses
- Add transitions if necessary
to reflect procedures in use in your company or the way you want them to be.
Transitions may take to one step or several steps forward and back, depending
on the situation with event investigation.
-To create additional status
click on and fill up the name
of new status, select the color of the bar and the Category. There are 2
categories – In progress and Closed, depending on which step you’re describing
in the status.
As you’ve added a new status, grab it
in the dotted area and move up or down in order to place it in the proper spot
of the workflow . Open this new status and arrange details as described above, as well
as create Transitions from this step to other Statuses
Once your Workflow reflects the
procedures you have within your company or procedure that you wish to have, you
may make this Workflow to be default, if necessary, enabling the button in the
upper right corner
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