· In the tool bar on the left
side of your screen select Topics and click on
· A window will open where it’s
necessary to type the topic name and choose a picture (if necessary)
· Fill up first section name and
start adding questions of this first section by clicking on
It is always possible to
delete sections and questions within them by clicking on
· Type the text of the first
question and, if necessary, clarification or instructions info into Additional
Information section.
· Choose associated level – user’s
roles that will be authorized to check these questions at the spot (there can be
just 1 role or several roles for the same question).
· Arrange potential answers to
this question as you wish them to be displayed in mobile app of users: if necessary you may move the with arrows
near the response type or by grabbing them with your mouse cursor. You can also
decide to make response Not Applicable to be not Active.
You may also rename compliance, non-compliance and not applicable responses by typing new wording in a relevant box.
Once the form is deployed, it’s available to
users in mobile app Conformit Control and in case you’ve set up Planning
to all or certain questions in the form they will see notification in the App on
their device of an inspection that needs to be done.