How to send a notification about the event to other users?

How to send a notification about the event to other users?

How to send a notification about the event to users?

Similar questions: How to notify users about event?

  1.         Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.          Once you’ve opened the event that you want to inform about, click on Actions in the right upper corner and select “Notify people


  1.      Window will open to the right side of the screen showing people that are already notified and allowing to select those users out of the list of people allowed to consult information about events associated with this unit. One or multiple users may be selected.


  1.        Click on  to view the content of the email that will be sent. Select which sections information will be sent to the users you’ve selected. Scroll down to view the content of the message that will be sent. Once satisfied with the content – hit 


Notification is sent to user’s email that is registered in his profile and will contain the link allowing recipient to quickly open Event details in your tenant within CONFORMiT software.

  1. It is possible to view the content of previous notification emails sent for the current Event. For that purpose click on View email in the “Informed people” window


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