Features for quickly consulting description of facts and causes on the fishbone and 5Why schematic.

Features for quickly consulting description of facts and causes on the fishbone and 5Why schematic.

How to quickly consult description of the fact or cause on the fishbone or 5Why?

Similar questions: 
Where to view fact or cause instead of the category in Analysis section?

Features for quick view of the description and linked corrective measures for fact categories and for causes exist in order to facilitate the analysis process of the information that was gathered during the investigation. These features allow to avoid the need each time to open details window via edit button; as well as quickly see from the schematic which causes have already some CAPAs developed to eliminate them and which ones still require measures to be developed and assigned.

  1.        Since fishbone and 5Why schematics have fact categories instead of descriptions in boxes of the structure, to view the description of the fact itself it’s necessary to click on in the box of category name and this opens the description underneath.

  1.         Same for the Cause (both Root Cause and Immediate Cause) pressing on   or   opens the window with description of the Cause as well as links and brief description of CAPAs linked to this Cause.

  1.        Sign  or  in the Cause box allows to quickly view whether there are any corrective measures linked to it, without having to open Cause details by edit button.

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