How to delete elements of the fishbone structure or 5Why schematic?

How to delete elements of the fishbone structure or 5Why schematic?

How to delete elements of the fishbone structure or 5Why schematic?

Similar questions: How delete fact category, cause or a “Why” in analysis section?

Please note that when deleting an element from the fishbone or 5Why schematic it is being deleted completely. It is not possible to delete it from Analysis section, but keep it elsewhere in Events module or other modules.

  1.          To delete a Fact category from the schematic put your cursor on it  and two buttons will appear above. Click on Edit  button and Fact details window will open. In the upper right corner click on Actions and select delete.



  1.         To delete a Cause put your cursor over it   and edit button  will appear above it. Clicking on this button opens Cause details window, where it’s possible to delete it from the button Actions in the upper right corner


  1.         To delete an answer to a “Why” question in 5Why tree put your cursor over the question, so that buttons would appear above the box Clicking on edit button  opens “Why details” and pressing Actions in that window opens the possibility to delete it.


Only users with rights to edit Events information will be able to delete fishbone or 5Why structure elements. Those not having these rights within the software will not see the option to Delete. Refer to your CONFORMiT administrator if necessary to obtain relevant rights.

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