How to arrange 5Why analysis?

How to arrange 5Why analysis?

How to go to 5 Why analysis from the fishbone schematic?

Similar questions:  How to build a 5 Why tree for analysis?

5Why method allows to analyze facts or causes related to them in order to search for one or several Root Causes or Immediate Causes according to the list of Causes used by the company (presented in drop-down lists in CONFORMiT software). There may be less than 5 or more than 5 answers to questions “Why was this true?” aiming to respond a fact category or a cause related to it. Answers are becoming questions for next “Why?” in this analysis method until conclusion that received points directly towards the Root Cause or Immediate Cause. CAPAs are being developed for discovered Causes to reduce chances of recurrence of similar incidents.

  1.         Within module Analysis section on the fishbone schematic find the fact category, Immediate Cause or a Root Cause that you wish to analyze using 5 Why method and place your cursor on it on the schematic.

  1.         Two buttons will appear above the box (Edit and Add) buttons. Click on  and select “Why” option and fill up the description by answering to question “Why this cause (or this fact) happened?”


  1.      New analysis tree will appear to the right side from the fishbone where we can give an answer by our answer and so on until we reach the Root Cause or Immediate Cause (primary goal is to find the Root Cause as most important key to understanding why the incident happened)


  1.          If we put our cursor on our question-answer that we wish to analyze further and press on  -- we get to choose either to proceed with 5Why analysis or to link a cause to this item

  1.       Since our answer is obviously not pointing to the Cause yet, we continue with 5Why analysis 

  1.      When answer allows us to respond with one of Root Causes or Immediate Causes from the list – that means we found the Cause nature, therefore we select to add it


  1.       From the Root Cause we may proceed to looking for more Causes using 5Why method, or we can add more causes if they come evidently from the one we just discovered. As well as we can go to CAPA window to create a corrective measure (it is recommended to create at least 1 CAPA for each Root Cause that was discovered to eliminate the hazard in the future)


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