Elements of the fishbone schematic for Analysis stage.

Elements of the fishbone schematic for Analysis stage.

Elements of the fishbone schematic for Analysis stage.

Similar questions:  What is depicted on the fishbone in Analysis section?

  1.         Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.        Within left side menu click on the tab Analysis.

  1.         Fishbone structure in this section consists of Fact categories; Fact types and Cause natures — all elements taken from the Investigation section resulting to Event, described in the “fish head”


  1.     Fact categories in green boxes allow to visually analyze which area most of facts and causes belong to.


  1.     Fact types are linked with an arrow to the Fact category they belong to


  1.     Cause natures for Immediate causes have white background, while those marked as Root causes are outlined with red color. Arrow pointing to the fact they’re related to.


  1.     Head of the fishbone has a brief description of the Event that came as a result of all the factors summed up in the fishbone.


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