Adding, editing or deleting a witness testimony.

Adding, editing or deleting a witness testimony.

How to add witness testimonies?

Similar questions:  Where to input witness statements or involved personnel testimonies?

  1.         Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.        In the side menu click on the tab Investigation – Testimonies

  1.      By clicking on we open the window to add information about the statement


  1.          In this window it is necessary to select the person that is a witness, or if this person is not in the list of Personnel, then the field will offer to -- this button opens the same window to add a person to the list (article 3.9.).

  1.          Person interviewing the witness is selected in the field Investigator, date of the testimony selected in the calendar and the field Testimony is where goes the text of the statement itself. Then click to add it to the list

  1.     Click on the underlined testimony ID to open details. All relevant information may be edited in this window as well as associated documents may be attached in the field in the bottom (for example scan copies of written testimony with the signature of the witness)


Scan copies of original written testimonies with signatures of witnesses may be attached to the Testimony, but it has to be created with the typed description first. Signatures of witnesses will be also necessary on the detailed report once it’s generated in Word or PDF format.


  1.      Deleting the testimony is possible within this details window by clicking on Actions in the right upper corner                                               

Multiple testimonies may be logged into the list from different witnesses or even from the same witness.

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