Editing Related Cause information linked to the Fact.

Editing Related Cause information linked to the Fact.

How to edit the Related Cause information linked to a Fact?

Similar questions:  How to change Type of Cause in the Fact information?

Editing Related Cause informtaion can be performed by person that has relevant right to edit Events information granted in Roles and Rights section of general settings. Users that have the right to edit the Event information linked to the Unit they’re associated with may add or edit Fact informaiton in the Investigation section.

  1.        Within module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)

  1.        In the left side menu click on the tab Investigation – Facts


  1.     Knowing which Fact the Cause is related to, select it among other facts in the list by clicking on its ID (for example ) to open fact details in the window to the right side. And in the bottom will be the cause ID (for example


  1.       In the window that opens, we can change the Type of the Cause (Root cause or Immediate), select a different Cause nature, rephrase Details or type additional information in that section.



  1. ·        A corrective and preventive action (CAPA) may be linked to the Cause in the bottom section. As we click on we’ll receive 2 options to create a new CAPA or link to the existing one


  1.       Once we link a CAPA (selecting it from the list) to this Cause a relevant link will be displayed in the bottom section of the Cause details as well as it will be listed as a link in the list of CAPAs and in the linked CAPA details



  1.       Also, CAPA may be created or linked from this same Cause details window by clicking on Actions on the top right of the window


There may be one or multiple CAPAs linked to one Related Cause as well as there may be none. Link allows to see that there’s already a corrective measure developed for the current issue (the Cause or a Fact) and to quickly access details of CAPA from the window of Cause Details.

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