How to delete a fact or edit information within the fact?

How to delete a fact or edit information within the fact?

How to delete a fact or edit information in it?

Similar questions:  How to edit the fact description and attached documents?

Ability to edit facts is granted in Roles and Rights section of general settings. Users that have the right to edit the Event information linked to the Unit they’re associated with may add or edit Fact informaiton in the Investigation section.

  1. Within
     module find in the list event that you need to update and click on ID number (for example 
    ) to open the information (use search field or filter tool to facilitate finding necessary event)


  1. In the left side menu click on the tab Investigation – Facts



  1. Click on the ID of the Fact that you wish to edit (for example
    ) – they’re in the list of facts and it will open details window to the right. Fact category, Fact type and Description may be changed there.



  1. To delete the attached file or picture put your cursor on it in the relevant section and delete button will appear



  1. If the fact contributed to the situation that Event happened, in that case box
     should remain selected (it’s selected by default). If the fact did not cause the incident or near miss to happen, than remove the selection of this box
  1. Deleting the fact entirely is possible by clicking on Actions
     in the top right corner of this window.


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